Product life-cycle (PLC) is the course that a product’s sales and profits take over its lifetime.
- Product development
- Introduction
- Growth
- Maturity
- Decline
Introduction stage is when the new product is first launched.
Takes timeSlow sales growth
Little or no profitHigh distribution and promotion expense
Growth stage is when the new product satisfies the market. Sales increase
New competitors enter the marketPrice stability or decline to increase volume
Consumer education
Profits increase
Promotion and manufacturing costs gain economies of scale
Product quality increases
New features
New market segments and distribution channels are entered
Slowdown in sales
Many suppliers
Substitute products
Overcapacity leads to competition
Increased promotion and R&D to support sales and profits.
Maintain the product
Harvest the product
Drop the product
Market modifying strategy is when a company tries to increase consumption of the current product.
- New users
- Increase usage of existing users
- New market segments
Marketing mix modifying strategy is when a company changes one or more of the marketing mix elements.
- Price
- Promotion
- Distribution channels